Procedures for safely opening Superhero Training Classes due to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Entrance to the large hall will be through the main doors, where you will need to sign both the Hall contact sheet and The Little Hero Company register.
Exit from the large hall will be through the fire exit in the hall, where you will need to sign out.
The kitchen will be closed for the foreseeable future, so any water needs to be bought in by each person.
When a person comes into the large hall there will be a table with hand sanitiser and a signing in book and class register, that ALL people need to sign with contact details.
Both entrance and exit doors will need to remain open throughout the classes to allow a flow of air to run through the hall. Chairs will be placed across the open door ways to help deter children but please remain vigilant throughout the class.
If any Parent/Carer notices anyone with covid symptoms they need to inform the class leader immediately, who will then inform the caretaker, as this will mean a closure will need to come into force.
There will be no changing facilities, so if your Little Hero would like to wear a costume for the class please can you arrive with them fully dressed and ‘super’ ready!
Please note there is a baby changing facility in the disabled toilet, please sanitise after use with the spray provided.
If toilets are needed there will be a strict one in one out policy with the door being hooked open and they will be cleaned after both classes have taken place. Soap, hand towels and a bin are available, as the hand dryers are turned off. Also, if you could please wipe round where the adult and child(ren) have been i.e. the loo seat and taps, that would be greatly appreciated. Social distancing needs to be adhered to along the corridor to the toilets where tape will be placed on the floor.
All equipment used will be cleaned off by the Class Leader and Assistant with sanitiser after each class.
A strict 2metre rule needs to be adhered to by all participants. Where possible no chairs are to be shared throughout the duration of the class.
Face protective shield visors will be worn by all The Little Hero Company Staff at all times.
All adults must please wear a face covering (unless they are unable to) throughout their time in the hall.
At this time, we ask for one adult per child only to accompany and stay with each Little Hero for the duration of the class. Siblings are welcome, however please remain vigilant on their where abouts at all times, they must stay with the adult throughout the class.
Where possible please restrict the snacks bought into the hall by offering them to the child before you enter the hall or at least to a minimum to avoid cross contamination from one child to another.
Please arrive in plenty of time to sign in, ready for the class start.
In order help the Little Hero Company team and all Parents/Carers to remain vigilant in keeping their children safe throughout the class, please can each adult try their very best not to be distracted by their mobile phones. If a call does need to be taken, any siblings of that adult must please go with them.
When the class ends, due to additional cleaning and more rigorous set up times, please ensure you leave the hall promptly, signing out as you go. Any conversations you may have with other adults may continue outside the hall.
We are envisaging limiting the number of Little Heroes who take part in the class to a maximum of 12, but we will constantly be assessing this as we go.
Thank you again in advance for reading the above and following our new guidelines for your Little Hero’s and us all to stay safe, whilst having as much fun as possible!
We cannot wait to see you all…
Lucy and Elena